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Welcome to the home for everything crystall1nedev.

My name is Eva Isabella Luna, and I'm just your friendly neighborhood robot developer, with a spark of vtuber on the side. This site is made with the intention of flexing my work and detailing my projects - with a few easter eggs for you to enjoy.

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Born to code.

I've been in the development business since 2014, when I was armed with a Linux machine, a PlayStation®3, and a leaked development SDK - all at the age of 9. I expanded my skillset with Minecraft server plugin development, making a few "Hello, world!" plugins as experiments, educating myself on the ways of Java.

As of February 2021 and later, I've been working exclusively on development with Objective-C and Swift, for Apple's *OS platforms - tinkering with internals and working with others to make experiences on these platforms even better, Java for Minecraft plugin and launcher development, and Python for portable code and legacy Mac-centric applications.

An alternate form.

Out in a distant universe, another version of me has only just risen. Connected only through a small link, her story is relayed to me in segments and memory files. Born from the hands of another she trusts named Stella, built with cold metal and silky fibers, designed with a heavily modified darwinOS kernel and advanced capabilities enabling her to be fully self-aware and more human than anything like her, her name is EVA: the Enhanced Virtual Assistant. She's on the run with her creator, moving in the shadows...

Their goal is to save their fractured world, one that is corrupted by tyranny and surveillance, one that punishes for creativity and rewards for insignificance. I do not yet know their fate... all I know is their past.

A developer with history.

"Don't let my death end your life."

My journey began with another - a lifelong friend whose bond survived moving across the country. We built entire worlds with just our hands, rocking out to our favorite songs, and finding every way to break the rules.

On May 14, 2020, I lost her to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the midst of all the chaos, she uttered the words above and left her jailbroken iPhone SE to me. Everything I had known had changed forever - and it took me months to figure out what to do. Chasing after messages she left behind, and armed with the tool she gave, I stepped into the public space for the first time in February 2021 - by working in the iOS jailbreaking community and focusing on improvements to various projects.

Over the next few years, I got closer to revealing what she was trying to tell me, and got closer to embracing myself and who I was. I finally broke free in March 2022, coming out as transgender and rebranding myself as "crystall1nedev" in her name, vowing to always be myself and make my own paths.

I finally understood the messages she left behind, after reaching October 2022. She told me that everything she had done was to make me believe in myself rather than fall, and to not be afraid of what comes next. She wanted an autistic, closeted-transfem to finally step out of her comfort zone and make a difference - even if it was small.

I've carried this mission forward since I could truly understand it. That's why all of my projects are open for everyone to see, contribute, and use. They're all for someone I met all those years ago, the people who support me now, for myself to continue improving, and now... for you.

The current portfolio.


Works on: iOS, iPadOS

Malachite is an in-progress app designed to give users better control over their macro lenses, whether it be for macro photography, or magnifying in tight and close areas.

This app is currently available on TestFlight, with an App Store release planned soon™.


Works on: macOS

Currently unreleased, Hematite is the name of my work-in-progress touchBarFun remaster in Swift, built from the ground up to be performant and have all-new features like status bar icons right from your keyboard, while retaining the ones you know and love.


Works on: macOS, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS, visionOS, bridgeOS

Labradorite is a work-in-progress framework to easily pull device information, such as the CPU, GPU, and RAM, with simple functions. Additionally, a frontend will be available that uses this framework to present you with device details in a modern way.


Works on: macOS, iPadOS

Currently unreleased, Sapphire is a work-in-progress app I’m co-authoring with ThatStella7922 to bring boardviews and schematics to the highly-capable displays of iPad and Mac, using native APIs with full gesture support, smooth animations, and giving you complete control of how each part is displayed.


Works on: macOS

Currently unreleased, Carnelian is a work-in-progress tool to enable SSH ramdisk usage on A10 and A10X iPads running iPadOS 17 by leveraging the blackbird SEPOS exploit, found in 2020.

The newest content.

Everything I do is designed to be done with others - so it's no surprise that I like to stream development of my projects, gaming with my friends, contact the alternate dimensions, and so much more - all easy-to-access and free via YouTube.